"I so agree with the last one :D I wish I could vote twice.."

"You're of course welcome to make suggestions! All undressed men are allowed on the list :D"

"Good one, I will put that up! :) I know I've seen that in several movies, but I can't think of any right now.. hmm.."

"When it's Marilyn Monroe, stepdad counts :P I did my research.."

"Hard one, but I think: 1. Muse 2. White Lies 3. Karpe Diem 4. Eminem 5. Michael Jackson 6. The Beatles 7. The Used 8. Mutemath 9. Beyonce 10. The Bravery"

"Thanks guys! @johanlefourbe, I can add the comments, but many of the artists I can't find on listal."

"Thanks for suggestions! I will add them soon :)"

"I wouldn't call Justin Bieber a blonde :P but how about Shakira?"

"It's hard to rate them, but I think my list is like this: 1. Johnny Depp 2. Brad Pitt 3. Kate Winslet 4. Anthony Hopkins 5. Heath Ledger 6. Rachel McAdams 7. Gary Oldman 8. Helena Bonham-Carter 9. Ang"

"I got the wrong Baldwin.. it was supposed to be Daniel, not Adam :P fixed!"

"If you read my comment, you can see that I've not called any of these celebs ugly. This is simply a list to show that celebrities are actually just like any of us in their every day life."

"When you edit a category you can choose under "Display mode" just as you can when you edit the list :)"

"of course, I totally forgot. thanks! ;)"